Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The founder of WikiLeaks is under arrest for having sex without a condom

Here is what CNN is not saying or stressing. American media is censoring the story to the extreme extent that Twitter will not trend #wikileaks and CNN accuses Assange of 'rape' without qualifying the charges in any way.  The implication is that Assange is guilty of  'rape' as defined by the American legal system which is always an extremely violent crime involving non-consequential sex. By accusing Assange of 'rape' without qualifying the story, CNN and other American Media are painting him with the same brush as violent criminals that are little more than animals. That is not the case. That CNN chooses to paint such a picture shows the extent of the decline of the American press.  Unbiased and free press no longer exists!!! DON'T KID YOURSELF THAT IT DOES.   Here is what the international media is qualifying the story, information that is not readily available to mainstream American audience.

The founder of WikiLeaks is under arrest for having sex without a condom
Swedish law considers unprotected sex a type of sexual violence.
For having had sexual relations with two Swedish women without a condom, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange now faces sexual violence and rape charges and awaits for possible deportation to Sweden where the charges were filed.

The case spurred public curiosity not only because it involves a famous defendant, who is hated by many powerful people, but also for involving a complex system of laws.

Assange’s actions, based on testimony from the his two ex-lovers, were interpreted by the legal system as "rape, sexual abuse and illegal coercion", as stated by the Swedish prosecution.  Both he and the women state, however, that sex was consensual.  The only problem was the absence of the preservative, which would have been requested by both women, but denied by the Australian.

Having unprotected sex in Sweden is punishable by a minimum of two years in prison for rape.  According to Assange’s lawyer, in a declaration made in August when the accusations were made, the term used to classify the crime is a "target for mockery” and “dramatically” damages the reputation of the accused.  All of this under a legal system that is a benchmark of modernity.

In both relationships, Assange had problems wearing a condom.

Criticism aside, one of the Swedish women with whom Assange was involved says that the condom broke during the relations, according to the British newspaper Daily Mail.  In this case, under the laws of the country, consensual sex that starts with a condom and ends without it become a type of non-consensual sex.

The other lover alleges that twice she had relations with the founder of WikiLeaks, once with a condom and once without.  That time she requested the use of a condom, but Assange would have refused.  Again the law is on the woman’s side.

The lawyer for the women denies a political ploy.

For the Australian, his arrest is part of a political ploy designed to prevent the publication of secret documents by WikiLeaks.  The lawyer for the women, Claes Borgstrom, states that his clients are not involved in any sort of conspiracy against Assange.

Borgstrom also said that the Swedish women’s statement is plausible and that there is a great chance that Swedish justice will accuse Assange, if he is extradited and heard in testimony in the country.

Assange surrendered to the police in London and should be under arrest until December 14, when he will again be deposed.  He stated that he will fight his extradition.

Translation of a news article published by R7 Notícias Brazilian online newspaper on 12/09/2010

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