Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Death and Windows Vista

A middle-aged woman sitting on the beach watching the sun set. The beach is completely deserted on a windy winter day. Seemingly out of nowhere a dark figure appears and sits next to her. She is not startled, only people who feel hope and have something to lose are startled, that was not her case.

She glances at the new arrival and immediately recognizes him. His presence annoys her, he's early. She breaks the silence: "Seriously, a black cloak and a sickle? In this day and age isn't the sickle a bit much?"
"Well, perhaps... but I've had it so long I've grown accustomed to it."
This annoys her even further ""Accustomed to it?" What are you Henry Higgins now?"
Death is a bit flustered by her annoyance, he could handle fear and terror but he had never been merely annoying. "It's tradition you know, and It makes a handy toothpick and backscratcher, have to be careful with that though."
In full blown annoyance mode the woman demands "what are you doing here?"
A little more defensively than he would have liked death explains "well, you were planning to walk into the ocean and swim until you drowned..."
"I was, but I haven't yet! Aren't you supposed to wait until I'm dead? Fetch me in the middle of the ocean or something?"
"The water is cold, and my work order says that in just a few meters out you get dragged under by an undertow and drown. I figured I would be saving time if you came right now."
Her annoyance had reached new levels and she was almost yelling now: " Saving time? You can't save time, what's wrong with you? You're death, time is meaningless to you!"
"Well, I'm just a reaper... I work for death"
"I don't care what you are!" She paused pensively, "did you say you have a work order?"
"Yes, I do." He replied as he held out a single sheet of printed paper, which flapped in the wind. "I have a quota to meet, I have to fill three more work orders by the end of the night, so can we move this along?"
Her annoyance, now subsided is replaced by curiosity. "Why do you feel you need to save time?"
The reaper sighs deeply: " The system is slow, it was down for two hours and now it's just crawling along. All the jobs are late."
"The system?" she asked now in a calm voice.
With a sense of urgency in his voice the reaper explains "we used to have a manual system, you got a booklet of vouchers and filled in the name and situation on the fly, during the job. It was easy, we had plagues, famine, natural disasters and the job ran smoothly. In China they still use the voucher system, lucky bastards."
"What system are you using?"
"Well, we are still running Vista... There was a request for an upgrade to Windows 7, but there isn't much money in death... it's just not in the budget."
The woman was feeling much better now. "I've changed my mind"
"I've changed my mind, I'm not walking into the ocean."
"You can't change your mind, I've already issued the work order! I'll drag you in if I have to!"
"Does your work order say I was dragged into the ocean and drowned?"
"No, I would have to change that in the system... Shit, that would take all night"
The woman reaches over and slowly grabs the work order out of the reaper's hand, he watches with a depressed look on his face. She tears the paper in four and tosses the bits into the wind and smiles at them as they fly away.
The reaper is almost in tears now "I'll have to cancel the work order, it will take days!"
"You can tell them that the system froze while you were generating the work order and you only got a partial print, and that you need a new work order."
The reaper now has tears in his eyes: "Are you sure... couldn't you... I mean, it would really help me out..." as he points to the water.
The woman stands up "Sorry, no! I'm going home. At least I have Windows 7... that's something. Not much, but it's something."
The reaper gets up and slowly walks towards the water.

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