Eumachia was a woman who lived in Pompeii in the first century AD. As you might know Pompeii was destroyed in 79 AD, and since her tomb exists one might deduce when she lived. She inherited a fortune from her father and married rather well to become one of the most prominent citizens of Pompeii. (note that I'm not expressing any opinion on feminism in antiquity). Her money and social position elevated her to become the matron of the fullers, a wealthy guild in Pompeii that was responsible for the dyers and clothing makers/cleaners. One of her benefactions to the city was, what is to be assumed an impressive building on one side of the forum (prime real estate). There is nothing left of the building but the doorway which is breathtaking. The building's function is unclear, but there was a public toilet facing the forum with provides clues. Human urine was collected a public toilets, aged and used in the dying/cleaning process. (personally I always thought they would get a better yield at the stables). A statue of Eumachia at the back of the building also survives, as does her tomb.
Eumachia's tomb at the cemetery in front of Herculaneum Gate
The doorway to her building at the forum
Details of the exquisite carving of that enormous doorway
Eumachia watching over the processes in her building.
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