Thursday, March 4, 2010

Customer service in Brazilian banks

There really is no customer service to speak of in Brazil. Customers expect to be treated like crap and organizations are more than happy to comply. Case in point:
On a hot summer day my mother and I walk into her bank. She had to pay a few bills. The branch was air-conditioned and it felt good walking in, until we came to the metal detector. Most banks in Brazil have revolving doors with metal detectors granting access to the branch. I'm almost certain these doors weren’t designed to deter robbers; rather they were designed to piss off customers and ruin their days. They are extremely effective!

For example: In this video, after removing everything in her purse this woman (not mom) breaks down and strips in order to get through the metal detector to pay her bills, obviously the door is performing according to design:
in a different clip a woman has to remove every single electronic and metal item out of her back pack before she can enter the bank, mind you, while she is doing this no one can get in or out of the bank, there is only ONE door. this is an every day occurrence in Brazilian banks!!!!

We walk up to the teller and mom hands him the stack of bills and her bankcard. The teller swipes the card and enters the stack of bills into the system. Before he concludes the transaction he asks her for a picture ID, which she cannot produce, it’s in her other wallet.
Mom: “sorry, I don’t have my ID”
Teller: “well then I can’t process the transaction”
Mom: “but it’s my account, the bills are in my name and the bankcard is in my name”
Teller “sorry it’s policy”
Mom: “listen, the account is in my name, the bills are all in my name and the bankcard is in my name, a picture ID would also be in MY name”
She produces a SS card equivalent document with her name but alas, without a picture
Teller: “sorry, it’s policy I cant’ process the transaction”
Mom: “why not?”
Teller: “because your card could have been stolen”
Me: “you mean to tell me that a mugger stole her wallet and the unpaid bills, walked into the bank, passed the metal detector stepped into the seniors-only line, and volunteered to pay her bills out of the goodness of her heart? Do you seriously believe that?”
-*And this is where it gets good* –
Teller: “It could happen!”

He refused to process the transaction or check her signature card, it’s policy, you know.

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