Friday, May 4, 2012

from great to pathetic in a single statement

I voted for Obama and I’m going to vote for him again, not because he’s doing a stellar job, but because president Romney would be disastrous.   It’s a sad state of affairs when in an election in the most powerful military power in the world, the strongest economy in the world, the greatest advocate for democracy in the world, the choice for president is between mediocre and incompetent evil.

You might jump to Obama’s defense at this moment (‘cause if you’re jumping to Romney’s defense, stop reading and go away), saying that I’m being unfair, that his presidency has been marked by major positive accomplishments, that he has improved America's standing around the world, passed a healthcare act that aims at providing all Americans with adequate care, improved veteran benefits, ended the Iraqi war, stopped US torture of prisoners and, at the very least, scratched his head over the Guantanamo conundrum.  Yes he did all of those things and what’s more, he got his daughters a puppy! 

So why is it that during a recent interview with Brian Williams (see it here) he described the Bin Laden raid as the ‘most important single day of my presidency’?   Was Bin Laden evil? Absolutely!  Did Bin Laden need to be brought to justice? A resounding ‘yes’!  Did Bin Laden deserve to die? I’d have to go with ‘probably’ since he seemed to be an overall waste of oxygen. However, if ‘the single most important day’ in the presidency of the most powerful military power in the world, the greatest advocate of democracy in the world, the strongest economy in the world is the murder of one sickly evil man, then it’s not a really a great world power, it’s just pathetic.


  1. I almost feel your pain! I don't want Romney. He's really too much to the left, and his legacy is Romneycare, the blueprint of Obamacare, which, as you correctly say, provides for adequate care, not the excellent care that free (unfettered by gov't mandates) choice allows. I don't feel he's the right choice for the GOP ticket. Obama's healthcare act is the centerpiece of his first term accomplishments, but it's his most disastrous to the country, so he's not celebrating it for a reason. Instead, Obama is focusing on a year-old execution of a guilty terrorist-enemy of this nation. The war in Iraq was going to end; I believe that Obama ended it in the worst way, which was the political way. Obama admitted in his interview with Williams that he was very concerned over his bin Laden decision as to how it would have affected him politically. The subsequent secrecy in dealing with the body and burial and withholding of any death photos likewise does not jibe with his present behavior. It's not consistent; he has a lack of conviction, it seems, on anything. Obama's politicizing now of bin Laden's killing is all about Obama; not 9/11 justice, our nation, or even the Democrat party. Who Romney is, I'm not that familiar with him yet. He seems willing to speak conservatively when he's told to, but I think he is a moderate-to-left. But in the strange world of politics, he will still win handsomely over Obama because this President has proven to be the most destructive economically, and that's what matters to the voters ultimately. Certainly the private sector gets it; they are holding on to whatever assets they have until they know what is going to happen next. They are not hiring; the media is flat-out lying. Adriana, I share with you, that my first vote was for Carter; my second was for Carter again. Until Obama, Carter was universally acknowledged as the worst President yet. You see, until you can grasp a little more of what liberalism is about (a false front), you will still vote for the same guy, thinking the other side can't possibly have anything better to offer. Romney needs to be a straight-on conservative in order to draw the best contrast and offer the best alternative to the disaster sitting in the most privileged seat in America right now. But the GOP, which benefitted from a true grassroots Tea Party conservatism surge, still wants a moderate (why, don't you know, conservatism is bad! no one will vote for a conservative! *two Reagan landslides*). So, for better or for worse, it's Romney. ~Wendy

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